Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Rainbow in our Skye

I had a weird dream the other night. In my dream, Aires, Heaven and I survived the fury of Yolanda but we lost Skye in the storm surge. The fear was so real it woke me up. It took a few more seconds before I realized we did not lose Skye in a storm.

In that short wakeful moment, I thought about the storm that came to our lives. And the rainbow that came after the storm.

Skye was both storm and rainbow. She got us whimpering in the coldness of uncertainty. So many nights were spent not knowing what tomorrow would be. Yet, at the same time, Skye showed us that something as bright as a rainbow would reveal itself.

I remember the afternoons I had with Skye sleeping on my chest. I remember the time we heard her coo as if saying, “Thank you and I love you.” I remember the last time she looked at me as I lulled her to sleep.

When I face difficult tasks, I just whisper Skye’s name and remember how storms come and go. And how rainbows light up the sky.

May you all have a colorful year ahead!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fork in the road

We all have ours.

The road forks. One goes left, the other goes right. Either way, I don't know where it leads me. Yet, I know, each road leads to something better.

It's funny how things come serendipitously. It used to be phone calls and e-mails. Now, Facebook posts and private messages bring the news. News that put you at a juncture where the road forks.

At the moment, I am just going with the flow, feeling where the ride will take me. But, there comes a time when you need to take the rein and set the direction.

I must admit that I am not sure yet which direction to go, what road to take. My heart says Left. My mind says Right. 

A month from now, I will look back and find out if the road I choose is the one less traveled by.