Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fork in the road

We all have ours.

The road forks. One goes left, the other goes right. Either way, I don't know where it leads me. Yet, I know, each road leads to something better.

It's funny how things come serendipitously. It used to be phone calls and e-mails. Now, Facebook posts and private messages bring the news. News that put you at a juncture where the road forks.

At the moment, I am just going with the flow, feeling where the ride will take me. But, there comes a time when you need to take the rein and set the direction.

I must admit that I am not sure yet which direction to go, what road to take. My heart says Left. My mind says Right. 

A month from now, I will look back and find out if the road I choose is the one less traveled by.

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