Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Naddy or nanny-daddy

My friends call me the male nanny. Children --- babies to teens --- warm up to me quite easily. During family and office out-of-town trips, I would be found taking care of the kids, playing with them, feeding them, and tucking them to sleep. Friends, colleagues, and relatives quipped that I would make a great father someday.

That someday has finally come.

When I learnt that Aires, my wife, was at last pregnant last January, I began reliving my nanny days. I summoned my paternal instinct. I invoked my daddy vibes.

When I first heard the heartbeat of the baby inside Aires’ womb, I shed a tear or two. My heart raced just as fast as the pulse beats emanating from the ultrasound machine.

When I first saw a complete scan of the baby inside Aires’ womb, I waited with abated breath the doctor’s verdict. Our baby is a boy and he is one lean mean fighting machine.

When I was told that Aires may have to deliver earlier than planned, I tried so hard not to crumble under all the anxiety. I lifted everything up to God.

When Aires told me that fateful midnight of 26 July that her water just broke, I had to be strong for Aires and for the baby. There was no room for second-guessing, and no space for second thoughts.

When Heaven Czar was born, I knew that my someday has finally come. I have always believed that fatherhood is in me. I touched Heaven for the first time when he was still inside the incubator. I caressed him, believing that my warm touch could heal. I took pictures of my son, slinging away, no holds-barred. I tried to be the source of strength for Aires who faced quite an ordeal, what with all the medications, injections, and anticipation.

I was not perfect. I had several slip-ups along the way but I was learning. Heaven did not just fill up a gap. He completed us. My dream to be a father has finally come. But the journey is not over.

My guy friends welcomed me to the club and asked if I was ready for many sleepless nights and cranky mornings. But I don’t know how much sleepless could it get in the coming nights.

Heaven Czar is only two-weeks old. So far, Aires and I get at least six hours of sleep every night, with at most three breastfeeding gaps in between. We would wake up every two hours to breastfeed Heaven. We are slowly getting the hang of it.

Thank God also that Heaven is not cranky at all. He occasionally lets out a grunt but he seems perfectly content, swaddled in comfy blankets, breastfed at the right time, and making poo-poo and wee-wee quite frequently.

And when I change his diapers, I cannot help but smile. The nanny is finally a daddy.

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