Sunday, February 1, 2009

For Heaven's sake

My wrist has been aching for weeks already. I do not know exactly why.

I went to a clinic to have it checked. The doctor asked if I had “trauma”. Hhhmmm. What could be traumatic in carrying a 4.7 kilo six month old baby? It sounds so un-fatherly if I sprained my wrist for carrying my baby. So… No. I did not sprain my wrist for carrying Heaven Czar.

The doctor checked my fingers, asking: “Does this hurt? How about this one?” My wrist aches, not my fingers. If I extend my thumb outward, the pain explodes around the wrist area. She made a splint to immobilize my left thumb. “Do not carry your baby yet,” the good doctor reminded. I would also need to have my left hand x-rayed and see if there’s any indication of a fracture.

For two days, I sported the splint and this got people asking. “No. I did not injure my wrist for carrying Heaven Czar,” I kept saying to those who asked. The x-ray results ruled out fracture. So what could be causing the pain? A muscle tear? A torn ligament?

Aires was concerned but also frowned on my wimpy state. Both of us could not afford to be sick. We know that Heaven Czar needs us to be in the best state of mind and body. Just like with my left hand. When my thumb got immobilized, it was difficult to do stuff like driving or changing Heaven’s diapers. Without a healthy me, it will be difficult for Aires to keep things going smoothly especially with and for Heaven.

This pain has gotten me thinking about my sordid state of health. I have gained weight. I now look fatherly with this stump around my waist. I vowed to go back jogging or hit the gym again. But I have not yet still fulfilled my promise.

To get me back on track, Aires simply said: “For Heaven’s sake.” This would surely get me going now.

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