Sunday, February 15, 2009

Prescription for cough and colds

I got sick last week. My guts turned queasy. My head ached. My coughing worsened. I had rashes all over my hands. I got feverish.

Last year, despite all the tension and difficulties with Aires’ pregnancy, I did not get sick. I had to dig down within me all the strength I could muster to make sure that I was there for Aires. But my body finally gave in last week.

To make it worse, Heaven also started coughing. By Friday, we took him to his pediatrician. Thankfully, Heaven had no symptoms of pneumonia. His nostrils were not flared. His breathing was not laborious. There was no need for antibiotics. The only prescription… continue breastfeeding. Aires’ breast milk has all the antibodies that Heaven needs to fight the colds-causing and cough-inducing virus that seemed to have plagued my office.

You see, Heaven goes to work with me everyday. Our office has a special nursery-breastfeeding room. Here, Heaven stays when he is asleep or feeding. But last week, many of my officemates were down with the flu. Heaven may have gotten a sniff of the bug either from an officemate or directly from me.

But other than the occasional coughing and hatchoo’s, Heaven seemed to be weathering the storm really well. His nose was not clogged with mucus at all. His eyes looked a bit gloomy but his face still lit up when it was time to play or feed. He also slept soundly.

Now… if only I could share with Heaven his mom’s breast milk…

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