Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Heaven, you can say, is a miracle baby.

That's why we drop everything if Heaven gets sick. He's a breastfed baby, so he bounces really quickly from coughs and colds and what have yous. But he got from me, of all things, a vulnerability to febrile seizures. When his fever goes really high, he goes into convulsion fits.

He had an episode last year just before his tigdas hangin (roseola infantum) rashes showed up. I knew first aid, having seen how my siblings suffered episodes when they were young. But when Heaven went limp in my arms, after giving him a quick sponge bath to lower his temp, I panicked and thought that I lost him. I rushed out of the house, barefoot, hailed a tricycle, and went to the nearest ER. It was the longest five minutes of my life.

When Heaven was out of any real danger, the ER doctor even managed to kid me about all the drama. Drama ka diyan! I wanted to shut her up with a 1-2-3. Heaven stayed at the hospital for almost a week because of this mild infection.

Heaven had fever again early last Monday. He was out partying with us during the weekend. he must have picked up something along the way. We skipped work to be with him, and made sure that there won't be drama this time. His fever was on and off but mercifully stopped after two days.

Aires was also worried that I was absent from work.

Work can wait. Our son can't. I can deal with backlogs at the office. I can't deal with another febrile backlash at home.

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