Saturday, April 27, 2013

Happy number


Today, Skye is 133 days old or 19 weeks.

133 is a happy number. If I add the squares of each digit and do the same for the corresponding sum and do the same for the next, the sequence ends in 1. That's the formula for happy numbers.

Math amazes me. And that's weird, coming from somebody who took Communication Arts because he did not like math. Math amazes me because it is exact.

But Skye amazes me more. Her extra chromosome made her condition exactly to be a Trisomy 18. Yet, Skye has defied the odds and survived beyond what was expected of her. Having her around for 133 days has brought us immense joy.

Indefinite. We don't know exactly how much longer Skye can stay with us. But we are sure it is somewhere between indefinite and infinite. If Skye lives for 10 to the nth power, that surely is a happy number forever.

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