Sunday, January 10, 2010

'La na!

‘La na!!!

That is Heaven’s first sentence ever. “Wala na!” (No more.)

Heaven finishes his glass of fresh milk or gulps a glass of water. ‘La na!

Heaven drops his ball. Ball rolls under the sofa. ‘La na!

Heaven bites into a cookie. Last bit falls on the floor. ‘La na!

Heaven puts matchbox car under a blanket. Tatay quickly grabs car and hides it from view. ‘La na!

Heaven plays peek-a-boo with Nanay. Nanay escapes to go to the grocery store. ‘La na!

‘La na! Gone. Vanished. Over. Left. But there’s no sadness in his ‘La na! He does not throw a tantrum when he can’t see his ball. He asks for more if he still wants to drink. He looks under the blanket if a toy suddenly disappears. He just cranes his neck, searching for Nanay. Just don’t let him catch Nanay sneeking away.

He still has no great expectations that things will magically re-appear. How I wish we can be like Heaven who doesn’t wallow in grief when he suffers a loss. When we lose something or someone, it takes time for us to get over our loss. We simply can’t shrug our shoulders and go on with our lives. When we lose something or someone, we ask why?

Heaven has not started asking why yet. Maybe that is why he is happy and can easily go on with what is next for the day.

‘La na, after all, to Heaven, is not the end of the world.

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