Saturday, April 13, 2013

Pretty in pink

Skye was pretty in pink when she met her neonatologist for the first time since she was discharged from the hospital, and for the last time since she would be referred to another pediatrician who practices near us.

Driving Skye all the way from Marikina to Manila is no mean feat. We bring with us her oxygen tanks and take extra precaution lest Skye contracts any virus that flies unseen around us. We are no germophobes but we simply don't want Skye to get sick.

The two-hour trip to Manila was problem-free. Skye was asleep the whole time. Kuya Heaven was his usual playful self.

Heaven and I did not get to go with Skye to see her doctor. We dropped off Nanay and Skye while we searched for a parking space. But we found ourselves just moving in circles looking for a place to park. Skye finished her appointment with her doctor in a jiffy and I had to be content with hearing the news from Nanay.

What good news it was! Skye's doctor was very jubilant to see Skye's progress.  Skye gained 400 grams, weighing now at 2.1 kilos. Her complexion is rosy enough, indicating no iron deficiency. Her lungs appear to be clear, without any infection. Skye is active, her limbs moving in bursts of energy.

The doctor recommended more frequent feeding sessions, making us worry about our milk supply. Aires is not lactating that much milk anymore and we rely on breast milk donations for Skye's sustenance.

But as we went home we set aside our worries. We held on the good news that Skye, so far, is in the pink of health.

1 comment:

Teta said...

Now that I've thought about it... UNICEF and HealthPro were good training ground for you to care for Skye... yun pala ang purpose ng pinili mong trabaho. :)