Thursday, February 21, 2008

The drive home

How many times have I driven home as if travelling through the Twilight Zone?

I see the road. I see other cars. I see other people going home. I am also going home. But I seem to be heading somewhere else. My mind floats. I think in pictures. Stories and what-if scenes fill my head.

This happens usually when I am troubled.

I feel anxious about my wife's pregnancy. Aires is now almost 10 weeks into her pregnancy. Our child is now officially a fetus. The heartbeat is amazingly fast at 190 beats per minute. The fetus is okay.

But there is a slight problem. The ultrasound shows a formation of a hemorrhage between the lining of the uterus and the sac that protects the fetus. This is called a subchorionic hemorrhage. The formation is actually a collection of dead tissue cells. It is officially a blood clot. If the clot crosses the placenta that provides nutrition to the fetus, the baby will be in danger.

Now there is nothing slight about this problem at all. This new information is troubling. Aires has been put on a strict bed rest regimen. She may need to undergo another round of immune therapy treatment to reduce the clotting.

All these got me a trip to Twilight Zone. The drive home on that day we learnt about this subchorionic hemorrhage was eerily long and slow. Just like this journey of hope. Long and slow.

Dear God... Help us get home safely.

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