Thursday, February 28, 2008


Unbelievable! I saw a rainbow today.

Doubly unbelievable! I saw a rainbow today arching over Makati.

I was feeling a bit anxious again about my wife’s pregnancy. We had our regular visit yesterday to our immunologist. The blood test results indicated no infection. But Aires’ antibodies are still on overdrive, suggesting continuous rejection of the pregnancy. To add insult to injury, our doctor revealed that Aires inherited a mutated gene from both her mother and father that makes her blood prone to clotting. The only way to control this during the pregnancy is to increase her current dosage of heparin (an anti-coagulant). From 1 cc per shot twice a day to 1.5 cc per shot twice a day. From a small regular syringe and short needle to a stouter one with a longer needle.

Syringes and needles were in my head when I saw the ROYGBIV. Only the rainbow’s ends were visible over Makati. The whole arc was hidden by the city’s smog. But those short curves were bright enough to snap me out of my melancholy.

Rainbows do appear after the rain. We all have our own rainbows. They just come in different colors, sizes, and surprises. It’s a stunning red when you finally finish a report good enough to secure a funding donation. It’s a bright orange when you finally find a document that has long been missing. It’s an effervescent yellow when you get that promotion you’ve worked so hard for. It’s a lush green when you get a vacation leave approved. It’s an immaculate blue when you get people to agree with you. It’s a unique indigo when a satisfied colleague or client says thanks to you. It’s a vivacious violet when you learn that you will be a father soon.

I have started counting my blessings early this year. Instead of moping and sulking about unfinished tasks and imperfect outputs, I watch out for small wins. Like the blood clot that is now under control, like the heartbeat of our baby, like the infection-free blood test results, and like the next day that brings us closer to the next week.

Just look up. Your own rainbow may just be over you.

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