Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Type "O"

I used to be hemophobic. I cringed at the sight of blood, real or reel. Truly, unmanly, you may say. Blood was my Kryptonite.

But, when my wife, Aires, needed white blood cells for her lymphocyte immune therapy treatment. I became more than a man. I was Superman. Aires was my Lois Lane.

I can now look at this life-giving substance called "blood" without feeling dizzy or nauseous. Knowing that my own blood will save Aires and the growing life in her womb, in an instant, changed how I looked at this bodily fluid.

Human blood is technically a tissue. Understanding what it is made up of allows me to appreciate this wonder. Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets --- all can still be broken down into proteins, salt, and of course, oxygen. All these make up human blood.

The way we look at things changes because of the context (My wife is pregnant), the motivation (Donating my blood will make this pregnancy a success), and newfound knowledge (Blood is a complex substance that is life-saving).

As an Irish hero once said, "Blood is a cleansing and sanctifying thing."

My blood type, by the way, is "O".

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