Sunday, June 30, 2013

A door opened

At first, I stood frozen by the door. 

On the floor, across the blue rubber squares, were the toddlers with their weekly visitors. The guests were all busy feeding the kids, reading them stories or playing peek-a-boo. 

Aires, Heaven and I were first-time visitors to CRIBS Foundation, a center for abandoned children. We came to donate a bag of Skye's unused clothes and diapers. Aires and Heaven were drawn immediately to a one-year old girl named Anna who was then under the care of a young female volunteer. Heaven performed roll-overs to get Anna's attention.

Aires then checked out the other rooms and was ushered into a smaller room for infants. I looked after Heaven but two-year old Gabriel found me. Gabriel was playing with a toy phone when he gestured to be carried and put into one of the cribs. Gabriel had been at CRIBS ever since he was born and was left at public hospital by his mother. Nobody knows her whereabouts now. We did not get to find out also if Gabriel was already up for adoption.

Heaven went into the room for older children and found himself playing tag with other kids of his age. For one hour, I played nanny to Gabriel. Gabriel responded well to short words, music, beats and rhythm. He could utter a few distinct words already like mamam (water), bye, and boy.

For one hour too, Aires carried in her arms eight babies one at a time; the last was eight-month old Mary Jane who had an uncanny resemblance with our dear Skye.

We spent one short hour with these kids who clamored for our attention and affection. We could not express what we felt. We only know that we will come back more frequently to see Anna, Gabriel, Mary Jane and all the other kids.

We are not sure if this first visit will lead to a major decision of foster care or adoption. 

But a door has been opened. We cannot just stand frozen at the doorstep.

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