Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Reading time with Skye and Heaven

A day before Skye passed away, I bought Heaven a couple of Disney comics magazines, Wall-E and Ratatouille. We did not get to read these two until after we laid Skye to rest.

Since then, Heaven has egged either Nanay or me to read the stories to him before he went to bed.

One time, Nanay read Wall-E to Heaven. Nanay took her celphone and flashed a photo of Skye on the screen. Heaven asked: "Why did you put Skye's picture on your celphone?"

Nanay said: "So she could also listen to the story of Wall-E."

Nanay continued reading but occasionally her phone would go to sleep mode and Skye's photo would disappear. Each time it happened, Heaven would caution Nanay: "Hey, Skye can't hear the story, Nanay."

To this, I say, Skye can hear us, Heaven. Loud and clear.

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