Sunday, June 2, 2013

Skye is in me

When Heaven first saw Skye in her coffin, he asked: "Why is Skye not waking up?"

"She is gone," I told him.

"Does that mean there is no more life inside her?" Heaven asked. I nodded in agreement with him.

"What will happen if there is no more life inside me?"

"Then, Nanay and Tatay will be sad."

Heaven paused, taking in all that I said. Then he blurted out: "Okay, let's go to the grocery."

"Why?" this time the question came from me.

"Let us buy a new baby. I want a boy and we will call him Claude."

That was how Heaven looked at Skye's passing away. To our four year old son, death is simply the absence of life and the beginning of something else.

On the day Skye was laid to rest, Heaven, Aires and I followed the hearse carrying Skye. Heaven asked his many why's again. "Why is Skye riding all by herself?" "Why are there many cars following Skye?" "Why are we driving so slow?" "Where is Skye going?"

So Aires prepped Heaven anew. She told him that Skye would be staying with Lolo at the memorial park; that her body would be buried under the ground; that her soul, just like Casper the Ghost, would go to heaven.

"So... Skye will be in me?"

"Yes," said Aires. "Skye is in you. She will watch over you, day and night."

"I won't be scared anymore of the dark."

That night, for the first time, in many years, we slept with the lights off because Heaven is no longer scared, because he knows Skye is in him, shining brightly in the dark.


shemai said...

oh wow, Kuya Heaven is such a blessing! What a smart little guy :)

Unknown said...

Heaven is such a smart boy. The fact that Skye serves as a light bearer of God. In her very young age she managed to serve her creator and fulfilled her ultimate purpose in life which is to serve our God ( Ecclesiastes 12:13). God even use this sweet little innocent baby to call us through prayers for Skye. And yes mommy Aires is correct that Skye is just sleeping ( john 11:11- 14 as Jesus Said the dead are in their graves, resting in unconcious sleep. )buried under ground And the dead know not anything (eclesiastes 9:10,6,5)and how wonderful to know that our dear ones who have died now are not now living in some spirit world, looking down upon us as we pass through life's sorrows and heartaches. Right now they are resting in grave, waiting the call of Jesus, the life giver ( 1 tessalonica 4:16-18)
And when that day come Skye will be able to experience once again the sweetness of embrace of her family.and I praise God for He always has a purpose for everything in this life, and that is to use everything to give Him praise and glorifies Him for those who are willing to see the beauty of this life and the very reason why we are being created.The very first time that I read in my fb wall that Skye's died, I felt sadness because she used to be my reason to pray and talk to God every now and then from the very first day that Nilo's introduce her in facebook wall. God created baby Skye perfect according to His plan and His very own purpose. Someday in God's mercy if I be able to keep my path according to His will, I'l be able to see those beautiful people like Skye where there will be no pain and sorrow.